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Selectmen Minutes 10/09/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
October 9, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.   

SUBJECT: Department Heads  
PRESENT: David Kenneally; Road Agent, John Uitts; Deputy Fire Chief, Gilbert Vien; Fire Chief, Dave Paveglio; Building Inspector, Mike Paveglio; Assistant Building Inspector, Stephen Stock; Forest Fire Warden, Patrick Clarke; Police Chief and John Martell; Emergency Management Director

PD – Chief Clarke reported the Rte 4 construction project is on schedule. The project is going to be finished this year; paving will have to be completed during the day.  This will necessitate detouring Main Street traffic at the Rte 28 cutoff and possibly Horse Corner Road.

EMD – Mr. Martell reported all is quiet.

FFW – Mr. Stock asked the Board once again to reconsider his request for two additional Deputy Fire Wardens.  Mr. Stock submitted a request for $8,889.77 in Impact Fee money to purchase the tools needed to outfit the forestry vehicle purchased earlier this year with Impact Fee money. This list does not include a radio unit.  There was discussion concerning the completeness of the list, no prior knowledge of the need for this equipment, no prior review of the list with the Fire Chief and the option to have this request wait and submit it as a warrant article in March. The Board will take both requests under advisement.

BI – Mr. Paveglio is now the 911 liaison with the State.  He is working on the inadequate addresses.  Three building permits will expire next week; Mr. Paveglio will notify the homeowners.  

FD – The 12-lead defibrillator has been ordered.  The department received a lower price than what was quoted.  

Chief Vien inquired whether or not the Selectmen had made a decision on his request to take over the 2002 Ford Explorer from the Police Department.  Chief Clarke has priced a used transmission from Bow Auto Salvage for around $800.00.  Chief Vien would do the work.  The Fire Department blazer would go to the Highway Department and the Highway’s blazer would be used for parts.

The Board of Selectmen agreed to turn the 2002 Ford Explorer over to the Fire Department instead of selling the vehicle at auction.

Chief Vien inquired as to the status of the Attorney and Board’s review of the Fire Department Policies.  The Board has not had an opportunity to thoroughly review and discuss them at this time nor has the town received comment back from the attorney.  

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BOS minutes
October 9, 2007

HYW – Mr. Kenneally asked the Selectmen whose responsibility it is to get the Road Advisory Committee active again. The committee has been a good tool for him.  It is budget season and the committee has not met since early summer. The Board directed Lisa to send a memo to Chairman Jameson inquiring as to the status of the Road Advisory Committee.  The Board of Selectmen is responsible for this committee.

The highway department corrected the swale between the Community Building and the Methodist Parrish Hall.  The Road Agent went with a grass swale instead of filling with stone (rip wrap). The Road Agent feels this was a better way to correct the problem.  The church is not happy about it, thou.  The Board of Selectmen will take the Road Agent’s recommendation for now.

The highway department has repaired the sink hole at the library three times already.  The pavement keeps settling because there is not enough material underneath.  This is a reoccurring thing that will have to be monitored; it is not as if the highway department has not repaired it.

 The crushed gravel is being laid on Center Road.  The project is just about complete.

A discussion took place relative to the option of gating Perry Brook Road as proposed by the French Hill Subdivision, developer Brandon Giuda.   The Road Agent’s understanding is that the Board of Selectmen is not in favor of gating this road.  The Planning Board has discussed the option of the road being gated.  Fire Chief Vien and former Fire Chief Paveglio emphatically stated their opposition to a gated road and cited several safety concerns.  The Road Agent again expressed his concerns and recommendation not to approve a gated road.  The Board of Selectmen has previously stated they are not in favor of gating Perry Brook Road.

The Road Agent asked for direction on whose responsibility and cost it is to have the town engineer develop further studies on potential improvements and upgrades to the existing town roads impacted by the Giuda/Merrill proposed subdivisions.  The Selectmen advised the Road Agent that it is within his capacity as Road Agent to contact the town’s engineer and request the roads be looked at and develop a cost study for the recommended road improvements.  The developer, as is procedure, is responsible for those additional engineering fees.

The Board reviewed a letter received from Ms. Rauter citing concerns of speed and heavy trucks on Canterbury Road.  The Selectmen directed Lisa to forward this letter to the Road Agent and Police Chief for their follow up.  

Selectman DeBold reminded the Road Agent to follow up on the removal of the utility pole on Smith Sanborn Road.


Mr. Stock returned to the meeting seeking answers to this evening’s requests.  After a brief discussion the Board of Selectmen agreed to appoint Matt Cole and George Cooper as Deputy Forest Fire Wardens.  Warden Stock will forward the appropriate paperwork to the Board for signatures.

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BOS minutes
October 9, 2007

The Selectmen inquired if the list of equipment submitted for the forestry vehicle will complete the outfitting of the truck.  The answer was yes, minus the radio.  The Board requested the list be forwarded to the Fire Chief for his review and comment.  No decision was reached this evening on this matter.   

The Selectmen reviewed the remaining mail and department correspondence.

The minutes of October 2, 2007 were approved as written.

The Board signed an Intent to Cut for map 2, lot 46-B; Gray.

The Board signed a Letter of Resolution supporting the BCEP Solid Waste District legally challenging the Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Weights & Measures Administrative Rule Agr 1404.05(o).

The Board signed accounts payable and payroll.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

______________________  ________________________    ___________________
David Colbert, Chairman Richard DeBold              Stephen MacCleery

                                                NOT YET APPROVED